Trust in The Process

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Have you ever wondered, ‘Wow, why am I going through this?’ or have you ever asked, “Why me Lord?”. The Lord God in all His might and sovereignty knows it all. Yes, He knows the beginning to the end and the end from the beginning. After all, He is the Alpha and the Omega. Even though we understand this truth clearly, we often times lag in the mindset of a hearer versus a doer. We hear it, we understand it, but the faith required to live a peaceful life through it, is often times shaky, wouldn’t you say?

We tend to gather our thoughts and try to make sense of the world and its happenings, forgetting that the master’s plan is at work. Additionally, when things occur out of our scope of comprehension and reasoning, we become flustered, anxious, angry, and the like. The Word of the Lord reminds me all the time in Philliains 4:6-7,

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

23659716_165777834018610_5414749768462397235_nIt’s pertinent as believers in Christ that we allow His plan concerning our lives to be birthed and manifested. No two individuals will undergo the same birthing process but it does require all believers to trust and wait upon the Lord as he leads, knowing that as mentioned in Hebrews 12:2-

He is the author and finisher of our faith.

Upon careful reflection of my life, the life of other believers and even the great men of God in the Bible, I understand that we all had to endure a process of which no two were the exact same. As such, this requires a true one-on-one unique faith walk with God.

  • Abraham and Sarah trusted God that he would fulfill His word regarding their promise son; they waited years.
  • Jacob had to wait years for Rachel,
  • Joseph waited for the appointed time as God prepared the way,
  • David waited to be King after being anointed,
  • Jesus waited until the appointed time… 

Greatness calls for patience, trust, faith, consistent prayer and thanksgiving — backed up by faith-action grounded in the Word of God.

When you’re waiting on the Lord:

  1. Your wait is never in vain: there is always something to learn in that time, something to grow from and a new outlook/vision/perspective to welcome. 
  2. Your wait will renew your strength: it’s like being in an oven. To achieve the desired outcome from the process, the right ingredients, bake time and preparation is essential. But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint – Isaiah 40:31
  3. Endure to the end: Allow it to run its course. Let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire wanting nothing – James 1:4 (One of my favorite scriptures).

Is it worth it to wait on the Lord?

I’ll say its a Blessing.

Be encouraged,


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